ITiMS Science Salon, 12/6/2018

December 03, 2018

ITiMS Science Salon, 12/6/2018

ITiMS fellows hold their first Science Salon on Thursday Dec. 6th at 4pm in the ITiMS office (M5123 SPH II).  This is a closed event.

ITiMS fellows & associates will hold their first Science Salon on Thursday Dec. 6th at 4pm in the ITiMS office (M5123 SPH II)This is a closed event available only to current ITiMS students.


  1. Discuss attached paper: MUSiCC: a marker genes based framework for metagenomic normalization and accurate profiling of gene abundances in the microbiome.
  2. Share approaches for normalizing metagenomic data.
  3. Consider what limitations or assumptions we must recognize with each approach.

ITiMS students discussed when and what types of metagenome or amplicon sequencing normalizations are appropriate in 'omics data analysis. We compared common normalization approaches to MUSiCC, a single copy gene method. We discussed how might sequencing depth and database completeness introduce bias with normalizing metagenomes. [updated 12/7/2018]
