Alex Song

Alex Song

Previous Institution:
University of Hong Kong (B.Eng in Civil Engineering)

Current Research Project(s)

I am developing a biomembrane filtration system which combines the membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) and a dynamic membrane bioreactor (DMBR) to remove nitrogen and solids in wastewater. DMBR uses the biofilm to metabolize nitrate and retain the suspended solids in the wastewater, I am trying to engineer the biofilm, or dynamic membrane, to be more sustainable for long-term use. We have a pilot scale system which is running at Ann Arbor wastewater treatment to demonstrate the feasbility of the concept of "biomembrane filtration" process. In the meanwhile, I am developing a multiplex biofilm investigation system using optical coherence tomagraphy to investigate the biofilm structure at mesoscale and manipulate the predation pressure and see how different predation pressure impacts the biofilm structure. 


Mathematical Modeling

I am developing a process model of the biomembrane filtration process of the dynamic membrane bioreactor using SIMBA# (a process engineering software)

Laboratory Sciences

I will monitor the biochemical parameters including ammonia, nitrate, total nitrogen, biological oxygen demand, etc. in the influent and effluent to evaluate the performance of biomembrane filtration system. 

Population Sciences

I will use metagenomics and 16S rRNA sequencing to investigate the bacterial and eukaryotic community, as well as the co-occurrence of different species in anoxic dynamic membrane bioreactor designed for denitrfication.