Can thermodynamic models of co-infection predict competition outcomes? by Morgan Lindback

Morgan Lindback received $10,000 from ITiMS to conduct this project.

Co-mentors: Melissa Duhaime and Luis Zaman


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Empirical Approach: co-infection experiments

  1. Infect host with two phage.
  2. Quantify "winner" of co-infection.

Theoretical Approach: thermodynamic models of phage and host

  1. Purify phage and host.
  2. Elemental analysis of phage and host.
  3. Calculate thermodynamics of phage and host based on elemental composition.
  4. Predict binding constants.

Potential co-infection outcomes and their thermodynamic explanations

Symmetrical replication

  1. Blue phage binds faster BUT orange phage replicates faster (or vice versa).
  2. Orange and blue phage bind and replicate at similar rates.

Asymmetrical replication

  1. Blue phage binds faster AND blue phage replicates faster.
  2. Blue phage binds faster and blue and orange phage replicates at similar rates.

Inhibition of replication

  1. Blue phage binds faster and blue phage replicates much faster.