Rachel Gicquelais

Rachel Gicquelais

Previous Institution:
Virginia Tech (B.S. in Biological Sciences); University of Michigan (M.P.H. in Hospital & Molecular Epidemiology)

Current Research Project(s)

My research focuses on characterizing population-level trends of hepatitis C virus infection and drug use (e.g. opioids) in young adults in the United States. More broadly, I’m interested in infectious diseases, public health surveillance, health policy, and the intersection of human microbiome research and epidemiology.

Mathematical Modeling & Population Sciences: I am developing an ordinary differential equation model of hepatitis C virus transmission fit to surveillance data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. I’m exploring how under-detection of cases by surveillance systems for hepatitis C can be incorporated into transmission models to help predict disease prevalence. I am also involved in a project modeling household transmission of Helicobacter pylori. 

Population & Laboratory Sciences: I’m involved in several microbiome-related research projects. One project will characterize the gut microbiota among persons in substance use treatment. I’m also part of a team focused on bacterial communities in saliva and dental plaque.