Jeseth Delgado Vela

Jeseth Delgado Vela

Previous Institution:
The University of Texas at Austin (B.S. in Civil Engineering)

Current Research Project(s)

My dissertation research is focused on using a novel process, the membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR), to remove nitrogen from wastewater. By coupling experimentation with modeling, I have the ability to generate new hypotheses using the models and test the hypotheses in the laboratory

  • Mathematical Modeling I have developed a one-dimensional biofilm model of an MABR biofilm. I have used this biofilm model to generate hypotheses on how to improve nitrogen removal in the MABR system. I am currently in the process of expanding my model to include biogeochemical interactions relevant to the MABR system to evaluate whether cryptic cycling of nitrite and sulfide occur in the MABR biofilms.
  • Laboratory approaches I currently have a lab scale MABR reactor which has been in operation for two years. I have tested operational regimes from my modeling in the laboratory system. I plan on applying biomolecular approaches to understand the microbial competition that is occurring the biofilm. I am particularly interested in using biomolecular methods to explore sulfur cycling in the biofilm.