Ellyn Schinke

Ellyn Schinke

Previous Institution:
Washington State University

Current Research Project(s)

My dissertation research focuses on the competence and bacteriocin quorum-sensing systems of Streptococcus pneumoniae. S. pneumoniae is a highly adaptable organism. We hope to investigate the role of competence and bacteriocin systems in genetic exchange. This will be determined using both laboratory based techniques looking at this crosstalk in a biologically relevant biofilm, as well as using a mathematical model. Long term, I am interested in working in a field at the intersection of microbiology research, public health, and scientific communication.

  • Mathematical modeling: An ordinary differential equation (ODE) mathematical model will be created in MatLab which models both the  competence and bacteriocin systems so that we may ultimately look at their crosstalk controlling for parameters and variables that we are unable to manipulate in the lab.
  • Population sciences: The competence and bacteriocin systems will be analyzed within a biofilm community, as opposed to analyzing these systems within a single cell.
  • Laboratory sciences: Using molecular techniques we will be creating fluorescent reporters to analyze the activation of the competence and bacteriocin systems, respectively, as well as creating a cre-lox system for analyzing genetic exchange as it occurs in the biofilm.