Discussion with ITiMS fellows

February 19, 2016

Discussion with ITiMS fellows

Tuesday (2/23/2016) 9:00-10:00AM

Room M5123, School of Public Health II (1415 Washington Heights)

Students interested in interdisciplinary microbiome research met with current ITiMS fellows for an informal meeting over coffee and bagels. 

They talked about research ideas as well as the ITiMS program and the opportunities it provides.  The ITiMS fellows explained the application process, funding opportunities, benefits of interdisciplinary training through courses, PAC members, and co-mentors. They also elaborated on opportunities such as networking, the certificate program, and community building. 

The interested students asked fellows about developing ITiMS activities (regular meetings, chalk talks, and structured conversations about research directions). 

For more information contact Kevin Boehnke (kboehnke@umich.edu)